What Inspired Me

I created my nonprofit organization with my daughter and future children in mind. I looked at the world around us and wanted more for her. I didn’t grow up in the richest neighborhood, or the most welcoming neighborhood either. There wasn’t much to offer in the area we lived in, so I took this as an opportunity to give back to the community and try to build something great for our children growing up here.

We barely have any extracurricular activities for the youth in our area, and the ones that are available aren’t cost-friendly. A sports camp shouldn’t be $500+ for one week, and practice is only 2 hours long each day. We need something more reasonable for the less fortunate families in the area, with more time and structure for the children. We also don’t have many people in the area willing to step forward and make these kinds of changes. I ran into a lot of people who talked about it but never did anything. I looked at my daughter one day and said enough is enough, you should be able to be a kid and enjoy activities outside of school just like the other neighborhoods.

That’s how the idea of Scattered Rain came about; I don’t know how I did it but somehow, I managed to get the money, and started building my brand. I’m all for children being children and giving to those in need or less fortunate. This was the first step I took in building back the community, and I plan on doing so much more for them in the future. It’s all about our kids, all it takes is one person with an idea willing to make a difference. 

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